Baby Boot Camp

I just completed my first Baby Boot Camp for parents with resounding success! I am very pleased, and I know my class was too!

Some of the topics I covered were:

-Mandated hospital newborn testing and procedures
-Circumcision: the decision, the care, and the future
-Newborn Jaundice
-Packing for Baby
-Settling in at home
-Postpartum Nutrition
-Postpartum mood disorders
-Sleeping: for parents and baby
-Diapers, diaper rash, meconium, and healthy baby poop
-Breastfeeding basics
-Baby wearing and carrier types
-Newborn development and care
-Soothing a baby

As well as practical demonstrations and activities for :
-Nursing holds
-Baby wearing
-Soothing a newborn

I look forward to having another one at the Belly Factory on Saturday, August 22. It will start earlier, and therefore go through the lunch hour. As a result, I will be providing lunch, but the course fee will go up from $50 per person/couple, to $60 per person, or $70 per couple. Any dietary restrictions should be mentioned at the time of registration.

There is limited class space, so please call the Belly Factory today to register and put down you $10 deposit. As always, you will receive a $10 store credit to the Belly Factory for your attendance. For information on the Belly Factory, see the links page on my website.

I hope to see you next time!


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