Ducks in a Row (the Aflac kind)

I just got my ducks in a row to be able to bill insurance! Most carriers won't have caught up to the new code yet, and I don't know how many of them will recognize it, or pay for it. But I can give you the code and you can call and check on it with your carrier.

Then, after the birth, I could provide you with an invoice and you can fill out a claim for and submit it to see if you're reimbursed-- isn't that DANDY???

The only thing really holding us back is that doulas are not state licensed, so we won't be recognized as a legitimate 'provider of service' so I don't think I can 'get on' anyone's plan just yet. Hopefully in the future this will change, but for now, I'm happy to offer my clients some form of reimbursement, however small!

Good luck and I hope you're covered!


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