Yesterday put us at Week 35. The biggest thing on my mind right now is making it full term . . . to Week 37. I think once I hit that milestone I'll be able to take a deep breath. Or at least when baby drops! Whichever comes first - lol!
Tonight we have childbirth class. I cannot tell you what a positive experience that has been! Most of you who know me very well know that I need all the details and facts up front before taking on anything big. (I'd say giving birth is pretty big, wouldn't you?) I need to dig my nails into tons of information, ask hundreds of questions, and make informed decisions. T is much the same. These past 8 weeks of class (and 4 more to go!) have opened my eyes to so much that I never even conceived of. Everything from the effects of good nutrition to the business of birth in the US to exercises that help baby get into position to dealing with emotional/relationship issues prior to birth. Babywearing. Breastfeeding. The effects of drugs. Midwife vs. OB. C-Sections. How they administer an epidural. How to deliver a baby in the car. Tearing vs. Episiotomy. Even orgasmic birth! (which we're all pretty sure isn't in the cards for us, but if it is - hoo haa!).
I've met the most wonderful woman (our instructor and doula) - Colleen - who has been not just a wealth of information, but a strong emotional support for us (well, mostly me when I go batty over something). She introduced us to a great provider and I will never look back on deciding to leave our previous OB and go with a midwife. There is so much to be said for women helping women during pregnancy and birth - for women empowering other women. And Dad too! While we ladies may first take notice of a guy's hair, eyes, body - I can honestly say that I've never loved my husband more than when we are talking about how we want to birth this baby. How WE want to bring this child into the world. He has never shied away from or turned his head in disgust of any topic, video, or photo he's seen. He's all hands on and I am so blessed to have him coach me on the big day. I'm going to miss these nights going to class together. It might not sounds like a date, but I'd consider it one. (ok, feel free to gag if you want to :)
We've also met some great couples in class - all of us first-time parents navigating the waters together. We've spent countless e-mails discussing pediatricians, cloth vs. disposable diapers, vaccines, class, and most recently - the fact that we're all due within a few weeks of each other and they've also now switched to the same midwifery we're using. Ha! Wouldn't it be something to all be labor at the same time!
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